Digital. Made Easy

We help businesses leverage their full digital potential by integrating an ecosystem of services and solutions that fosters engagement, increases productivity and ensures cyber-protection.

Our vision

Creemos que podemos revelar todo el potencial de su marca. Amamos lo que hacemos y somos muy buenos en eso. Creemos en la innovación, buscamos la excelencia en todo lo que hacemos. Constantemente nos cuestionamos con el objetivo de desafiar el status quo. Trabajamos hacia la eficiencia, que es como ofrecemos la mejor relación precio / valor sin dejar de obtener beneficios.

En Digital Branding Ltd trabajamos muy duro para adaptar nuestras soluciones a sus necesidades. Además, mantenemos nuestra estructura de costos baja para que no tenga que pagar ese dinero extra por cosas que no agregan valor..

Creemos en la lealtad, eso está grabado en el ADN de nuestra empresa. Los negocios son personas; independientemente de si es un empleado o un cliente, siempre es primero. Después de todo, un cliente satisfecho es la mejor campaña de marketing.

Déjanos convertirte en un promotor de Digital Branding Ltd.

Carlos Pascual Adell - Founder and CEO

Nuestro equipo

¿Te gusta nuestra propuesta de valor?

Entonces, ¿por qué no visitar nuestro portfolio?

Our team

An organization, no matter how well designed, is only as good as the people who live and work in it - Dee Hock.

Digital Branding Ltd has a multidisciplinary team of extraordinary professionals from all around the world. If you share our vision and like our value proposition we very welcome you to check our vacantes o ponerse en contacto con nuestro departamento de recursos humanos.

Javier Pascual Perea

Javier Pascual Perea master's degree in Industrial Engineering from Universidad Politécnica de  Madrid has developed his professional career in the Electrical and Industrial Control sector in multinationals such as INITEC, Schneider Electric and Yokogawa. He has held various roles from engineering to Business Development and General Management. Today he capitalizes his more than 40 years of experience as president of Digital Branding Ltd, an activity that he complements as a professor at various business schools and as an independent consultant.

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Carlos Pascual Adell

Non Executive Director
Carlos Pascual Adell is a consultant by trade, Engineer by heart. He founded Digital Branding Ltd with the mission of helping his clients compete more efficiently thanks to the opportunities offered by digitization. He currently holds the position of Non-Executive Director from where he supports the commercial area and give strategic advice to the firm.

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Christian García San Juan

IT Manager
Christian is a kind person who can say he loves what he does. With his experience and determination to provide solutions to complex situations make him a good member to work with.He ia specialized in the management and maintenance of digital solutions performing multiple roles such as Infrastructure Architect, Backend Developer,  and Project Manager for international projects.

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Viridiana Soto Vega

Account Manager
Viridiana is a person who seeks her own way, authentic and unique. She has a degree in tourism business administration and is passionate about digital marketing and new technologies;  She has extensive experience in account management in Mexico, Spain, United Kingdom; as well as in information management and customer acquisition and is the head of digital presence at Digital Branding Ltd

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Ignacio Villalonga Almeida

Senior Developer
Ignacio Villalonga has a degree in Computer Engineering from the Complutense University of Madrid, passionate about the digital world and motivated by the infinite possibilities that this branch offers.
Specializing in the development of custom web solutions; doing the training in the development of back-end infrastructure to complete his Full Stack Developer profile.

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Alba Espinosa


Graphic designer
Alba Espinosa is a creative person with skills in ideation, design and layout programs, as well as experience in the development of infographics and logos. She has advanced knowledge in image editing programs such as Photoshop, Illustrator, Adobe Premier. She has extensive experience in logo design and creation, infographic development, web content layout as well as image and graphic creation. 

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Our Organization

Las grandes cosas en los negocios nunca son hechas por una sola persona. Están hechos por un equipo de personas - Steve Jobs.

Digital Branding Ltd fue diseñada para ser lo más flexible y eficiente posible desde el punto de vista sistémico. Se construyó en torno a los conceptos de enfoque en el cliente, empoderamiento de los empleados, profundidad reducida y adaptabilidad. Además, hemos implementado técnicas de gestión de proyectos ágiles y scrum desde nuestra fundación.


Nuestro Equipo Corporativo está a cargo de desarrollar nuestro enfoque estratégico comercial y la coordinación general de nuestra empresa.

[email protected]


El deber principal de nuestro equipo de Recursos Humanos es cuidar nuestro activo más valioso, nuestros empleados. También son responsables del proceso de adquisición de talento.

[email protected]


Nuestro equipo legal garantiza el cumplimiento de DBLtd. También están involucrados en la consultoría de cumplimiento que ofrecemos como servicio.

[email protected]


Nuestro equipo de finanzas se encarga de la contabilidad, facturación y nómina. También participan en la consultoría financiera que ofrecemos como servicio.

[email protected]


Nuestro equipo de ventas se encarga del proceso de prospección comercial y venta. También es responsable de la satisfacción del cliente.

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Our Operations Team coordinates the different departments involved in our projects . They ensure service quality and project schedule accuracy.

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Our MarCom Team is in charge of DBLtd's Marketing and Communication approach. They are also involved in the MarCom Consultancy Service.

[email protected]


Our Design Team makes things shine. This interdisciplinary team will bring the latest trends from the creative world directly to your company.  

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Our Infrastructure Team takes care for both DBLtd's and Customers. They´re motto is  "If you can imagine it we can build it"

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Our Research and Development Team explores the latest digital trends and develops  products and services out of them.

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Our Training Team ensures all DBLtd's employees and partners achieve the level of excellence required by our customers.

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